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September, 2014

Manufacturers and industrial workers the world over are realizing big benefits from a small, yet powerful, ally in the fight against factory noise and hearing loss, workplace injuries and the quest for increased productivity in material handling.

Caster Concepts’ CasterShoX® is a radical new line of shock absorbing casters that:

  • Reduce factory noise levels from carts by as much as 15 dbA or 90 percent;
  • Reduce shock loads by up to 80 percent, and;
  • Cost 20-50 percent less than conventional spring-loaded casters.
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  • themachinecenter
  • reactionindustries
  • fabricatingconcepts
  • tripleellc
  • albionmachine
  • conceptual-innovations
  • conveyorconcepts
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  • pjr
  • ISO Certificate
  • michigan